1. 1〔うれしいと思う〕be glad ((about, of; to do; that...)),be pleased ((at, with; to do; that...));〔祝う〕congratulate ((a person on a thing))
    • 跳び上がって喜ぶ
    • jump for joy
    • ご回復と伺って一同大いに喜びました
    • We were all very happy [glad] to hear that you had recovered.
    • その俳優のサインをもらって彼女は大変喜んだ
    • She was overjoyed to get the actor's autograph.
    • 喜んでお手伝いいたします
    • I will be delighted [very happy] to help you./I will help you with pleasure.
    • 彼らがその条件を承諾したことは大変喜ぶべきことである
    • It is very gratifying that they accepted the conditions.
    • 銀婚式をお喜び申し上げます
    • I congratulate you on your silver wedding anniversary.
  1. 2〔気持ちよく受け入れる〕
    • 「一杯やりませんか」「もちろん,喜んで」
    • “Will you have a drink with me?”“Certainly, with pleasure.”
    • 社員は人事異動を喜ばなかった
    • The employees of the company were 「not pleased [dissatisfied] with the personnel changes.
    • 彼女は私の忠告を喜ばなかった[喜んで受け入れた]
    • She 「did not like [welcomed] my advice.
    • 携帯電話は喜んでお貸しします
    • You are welcome to use my cellphone.

