1. 1〔神社の中〕
    • 社内で
    • in a shrine
  1. 2〔会社の中〕
    • 彼は社内切っての敏腕家だ
    • He is the ablest man in his company [office].
    • 社内の人々
    • the staff of a company
  1. 社内起業家an intrapreneur
  1. 社内結婚an intra-office marriage; a marriage between two employees (of the same company)
  1. 社内公募制an in-house staff recruitment system
  1. 社内調査in-house research; an in-house survey;〔悪事の〕an in-house investigation ((of wrongdoing))
  1. 社内報an in-house newsletter
  1. 社内持株制度an employee stock [《英》 share] ownership plan ((略 ESOP))

