put the flag out
put the frighteners on A
put [turn] the heat on A
put the kibosh on A
put the lid on A
((略式))1 A(物・事)を隠しておく2 ((英))A(計画・希望・活動)をだめにする;A(物・事)にとどめを刺す
put the make on A
put the mockers on A
put [press, push] the pedal to the metal
((米))1 猛スピードで運転する2 さらにがんばる;全力を出す
put the question
put [set, keep] the record straight
put the skids under [on] A
((英略式))1 A(計画・予定など)を失敗させる2 A(人)を急がせる
put the squeeze on A
A(人)に(…するように)圧力をかける,強要する≪to do≫
put the tin hat on A
put the tin lid on A
=put the LID on A
put the wind up A
put [set] the world to rights
put through
1 〔put A through B〕A(物など)をB(物など)に通す,A(穴)をB(物)に空ける2 他…に取り組...
put to
put A to the back of one's mind
put together
(他)〈部分を〉組み合わせる,〈全体を〉組み立てる,〈グループなどを〉集めて作る;〈物を〉合計するWe're pu...
put two and two together
(見聞きしたことから)結論を出す,推し量るput two and two together and make fi...
put two fingers up at A
put up
1 他〈物・手・帽子などを〉上げる,〈傘を〉さす,〈髪を〉アップにする2 他〈建築物・像・テントを〉建設[設置]す...
put up one's hair
put up or shut up
put up the shutters
1 よろい戸を閉める2 閉店する;店をたたむ
put up with
put words into A's mouth
put years on A
putz around
send [put] A (out) to graze
1 A(家畜)を放牧する2 ((戯))A(人)に暇を出す,Aを追い出す
set [lay, put] ... store by [on] A
Aを…な程度重んじる[尊重する]set great [little, no] store by what he s...
set [put] A in train
set [put, place] A on a pedestal
set [put] A's teeth on edge
1 A(人)に不快感をもよおさせる2 A(人)をいらいらさせる
set [put] one's face against A
set [have, put] one's foot on the neck of A
set [put] one's seal to A
set [put] the seal on A
sheathe [put up] the [one's] sword
stick [put] one's neck out
Stuff [Put] a sock in [into] it!
take [put] stock in A
1 Aの株を買う2 〔通例否定文で〕((略式))Aを信じる,信頼[信用]する;Aを重んじる
throw [put, cast] A into the melting pot
1 Aを混乱の渦に巻き込む2 A(体制など)を改革する
throw [put] a spanner in(to) the works
throw [put] one's weight behind A
turn [put] A to (good) account
Aを利用[活用]するHe put [turned] his computing skills to good ac...
turn [use, put] A to (one's) advantage
A(物・事)を利用する;A(不利な形勢)を元に戻す,逆転するseize the moment and turn i...
turn [put, set] back the clock
1 昔に戻す;(過去の時点の)状況を思いおこす1a (年齢を)実際より若く言う2 ((けなして))(進歩を)妨げる...
put (out) ... to lease