(just) what the doctor ordered
Not a hope!
(Well,) what do you know (about that)!
What (...) for?
((略式))1 (理由を尋ねて)(…なのは)なぜだ2 (目的を尋ねて)(…なのは)何のためだ
what A is all about
A(人・物)の最も肝心なところ;Aの本質,A本来の姿Studying is what college life i...
what A is (really) made of
((略式))1 A(人)が達成できること2 A(人)が本当に好きなこと
what [whatever] A says goes
What about ...?
((略式))1 (提案して)…はどうですかNow what about going to the movie?ねえ...
What an idea!
what be A on about?
what d'you call him [her, it, them]
((略式))(すぐに名前を思い出せなくて)何て言ったっけ,あれあれ(what's his [her, its, t...
What did I tell you!
What do I [you, they] care?
What do you say?
1 (子どもに適切な発話を促して)こんな時はどう言うの2 ((略式))(提案などに)どう思いますか,(…は/…する...
What do you want with A?
What do you want?
What (else) can [do] you expect?
What fun!
What gives?
What [Whatever] (has) happened to A?
What have you got [do you have] to say for yourself?
What I wouldn't give
=I'd give anything
What if ...?
((略式))1 …としたらどうなるだろうか,…ならどうだろう;(反語的に)たとえ…でもなんでもない[かまうものか]...
What is in it for A?
what is more
その上(in addition),さらに重要なことだがSally plays the piano, (and) w...
what is worse
what [the] little A (that ...)
なけなしのA,あるだけのAHe has lost what little faith he has ever po...
what [the] little (that) ...
わずかながらあるものすべて,なけなしのものHe did what little [the little] he c...
what makes A tick
what manner of A
What next?
((略式))1 次は何にしますか2 (驚いて)こんなばかなことがあるもんか,あきれた;お次は何なの
What of it?
((略式))=So what?
What planet is A on [from]?
What price A?
((略式))1 ((反語的に))Aにはどんな価値があるのか,AはどうなっているのWhat price freedo...
what say ...?
What sort of A?
((英略式))いったいどういうA(なんだ)What sort of father are you?なんという父親なんだ
What the heck!
What the hell!
What [How, When, Where, Who, Why] the hell [in hell]...?
what the hey
((米略式))まあいいや(◆what the hell の婉曲表現)
What though ...?
=What if ...?
what with A
((略式))(理由を列挙して)A(物・事)のせいでWhat with one thing and another,...
(what) with one thing and another
what you [we, they] call
What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?
What's cooking?
What's happening?
1 どうなってるんだ,何ごとだい2 ((米))(親しい人に会って)やあ,どうだい
what's his [her] face
What's it to you?
What's not to like [love]