〔通り〕a street;〔一画〕a district商店街a shopping district [street]官庁街an area of government office buildin...
1〔それだけの人数・日数を要すること〕10人がかりでその像を運んだIt took ten people to carry the statue.3日がかりで年賀状を書いたI devoted th...
芝居がかった振る舞いdramatic [theatrical/melodramatic] behavior紫がかった灰色の上着a purplish gray coat
1〔行動の始めや途中で〕起き掛けに地震を感じたI felt a tremor just as I was getting up.出掛けにjust as one is going out帰り掛けに...
〔設計の〕a model;〔種類,タイプ〕a type99年型ポルシェa 1999 model Porsche最新型の飛行機the latest model of an airplaneB型の血...
卵形をしたin the shape of an egg/egg-shapedU字形の溝a U-shaped ditch
1〔複数の人につけて〕先生方one's teachers2〔所属,仲間〕源氏方the Genji side3〔…ごろ〕明け方にtoward daybreak4〔およそ〕about; approx...
difficult, hard ((to do))得難いhard [difficult] to obtain/〔珍しい〕rare動かし難いimmovable/〔ゆるぎのない〕unshakable...
1〔…が多い〕黒目がちの目eyes with large pupils2〔…の傾向がある〕…しがちであるbe apt [likely] to do/tend to doこのような事はつい忘れがち...
散歩がてら彼の家に寄ったI dropped in on him while taking a walk.見物がてら商用で京都へ行ったI went to Kyoto partly on busin...