1. I〔たてよこ〕縦横に lengthwise and crosswise;〔四方八方に〕in all directions
    • 高速自動車道が国土を縦横に走っている
    • A network of expressways covers the country.
  1. II〔自由自在〕縦横に freely
    • 彼は時局を縦横に論じた
    • Ranging from one end of the spectrum to the other, he commented knowledgeably on the current situation.
    • 政界で縦横に活躍している
    • He moves about most energetically in the political world.
  1. 縦横無礙むげfree; without opposition
    • 縦横無尽の大奮戦をした
    • He fought his enemies right and left.
    • 縦横無尽の大活躍をした
    • He played a remarkable part in it.
  1. length and breadth [width];〔織物の〕warp and woof

    縦横に lengthwise and breadthwise; crosswise

    • 縦,横,高さともに50センチの箱
    • a box 50 centimeters in length, breadth and height

