1. 〔一家の〕the head of a family;〔店の〕the proprietor ⇒しゅじん(主人)
  1. I〔神〕the Lord
    • 主イエスキリスト
    • Jesus Christ, Our Lord
    • 主の祈り
    • the Lord's Prayer
  1. II
  1. 1〔主眼〕the first concern [consideration]

    主たる principal; chief; main

    • 主たる目的
    • the main [principal] objective
    • 彼らの目的は金もうけが主であった
    • Their primary goal was to make money.
    • この小説は主として人種問題を扱っている
    • The chief [main] concern of this novel is racial prejudice./The novel deals principally [mainly] with racial prejudice.
    • 今回は耐久性のテストを主とする
    • The test this time is primarily one of endurance.
  1. 2〔大部分〕
    • 会員は主として学生であった
    • Most of the members were students./The members were mostly students.
  1. 3〔中心的な存在〕
    • 誰が主になってその計画をすすめたのか
    • Who took the initiative [lead] in carrying out the plan?
  1. 1〔主人〕a master
    • この家の主
    • the head of the family
  1. 2〔持ち主,当人〕
    • かかってきた電話の声の主は井上さんだった
    • The person on the other end of the line was Mr. Inoue./The voice I heard on the phone was Mr. Inoue's.
    • 手紙の主
    • the writer (of a letter)
    • ちょうど田中さんの左遷の話をしていたところへうわさの主が現れた
    • We were talking about Mr. Tanaka's demotion, when the subject of our gossip turned up.
  1. 3〔古くから住み着いたもの,特に霊〕
    • 古池のほとりの小さな神社は池の主を祭ったものだという
    • The little shrine by the old pond is said to be dedicated to the spirit of the pond.
    • 彼は会社の創始時代からいるので皆から会社の本当の主だと言われた
    • He had worked for this company from the very beginning, so everyone regarded him as the real boss.

