1. I
  1. 1〔畳んだものを開く〕spread;〔開ける〕open
    • 鳥が翼を広げた
    • The bird spread its wings.
    • 本を広げる
    • open a book
    • 包みを広げる
    • unwrap a package
    • 弁当を広げる
    • open one's lunch box
    • 傘[新聞]を広げる
    • open [unfold] 「an umbrella [a newspaper]
    • 彼女は両手を広げて私たちを出迎えた
    • She welcomed us with open arms.
    • 足を広げて座る
    • 〔脚を伸ばして〕sit with one's legs 「stretched out [〔股を広げて〕(stretched) apart]
  1. 2〔幅・範囲を広くする〕widen;〔大きくする〕enlarge
    • 川幅を広げる
    • widen [broaden] a river
    • 運動場[領土]を広げる
    • enlarge [extend] 「the playground [one's territory]
    • 家を広げる
    • build an extension (on)to [enlarge] a house
  1. 3〔一杯に並べる〕
    • 床の上におもちゃを広げて遊んでいた
    • He was playing with the toys scattered on the floor.
    • 部屋中に資料を広げて論文を書いている
    • She is writing a paper with her materials spread out all over the room.
  1. II〔状態を大きくする〕
    • 事業の手を広げる
    • extend one's business
    • 彼は活動範囲を広げた
    • He extended his field of activity.
    • 海外旅行をして視野を広げたい
    • I want to broaden [widen] my outlook on life by traveling abroad.
    • 彼は2位との差を大きく広げた
    • He increased his lead over the runner-up.

