1. 1〔行政区画〕
    • 東京都
    • the Tokyo metropolitan areathe metropolis of Tokyo
    • 全都にわたって
    • throughout the metropolitan area
    • 都の職員
    • an official of the metropolitan government
  1. 2〔都会〕
    • ロンドンとパリの二都
    • the two cities of London and Paris
  1. 都営都営
  1. 都議会(議員)(a member of) the metropolitan assembly
  1. 都知事the Governor of Tokyo; the metropolitan governor
  1. 都庁the metropolitan government office
  1. 都民a resident of Tokyo
    • 都民税
    • the metropolitan residency tax
  1. 〔都市〕a city;〔首都〕the metropolis, the capital
    • スペインの都マドリード
    • Madrid, the capital of Spain
    • 水の都ベニス
    • Venice, the city built on water
    • 花の都パリ
    • Paris, the magnificent [beautiful] city/gay and lovely Paris
    • 都へ上る
    • go [《英》 go up] to the capital
    • 住めば都
    • There's no place like home.
  1. 都入り都入りする arrive in the capital
  1. 都落ち都落ちする leave the capital;《文》 rusticate
    • 平家の都落ち
    • the flight of the Taira clan from Kyoto
    • 本社で大変な失敗をして都落ちとなった
    • He made a big mistake at the head office and 「was transferred to a remote branch [《米俗》 got sent to the boondocks].
  1. 都育ち都育ちの city-bred

