1. 1〔名誉〕honor,《英》 honour;〔メンツ〕face
    • 面目(次第)もない
    • I am (deeply) ashamed of myself.
    • 面目を保つ
    • preserve one's honor
    • 彼はその仕事で面目を施した
    • The work did him credit./The work won [gained] him honor.
    • そんなことをすると面目にかかわる
    • Such conduct would affect [touch upon] my honor.
    • その計画に失敗すると彼は面目を失う
    • He will lose face if he fails with the project.
    • 君が私の提案に同意を表明してくれれば,面目が立つんだが
    • If you would express your approval of my proposal, it would save my face.
    • 校長は娘のカンニングで面目まるつぶれだ
    • The principal was disgraced [put in a very embarrassing position] because his daughter had cheated on an examination.
    • 面目なげに戻ってきた
    • He returned looking utterly ashamed.
  1. 2〔体裁〕appearance
    • 面目を一新する
    • undergo a complete change
    • 市の面目を一新する
    • change the entire face [look] of a city
  1. めんぼく(面目)
    • メダリストの面目躍如たる勝ちっぷりだ
    • He did justice to histitle of [position as] medalist by overwhelming his competitors.

