Shichi-go-san literally means “seven-five-three.” It is a ceremonial event to celebrate children's healthy growth. Every year on November 15, girls aged 3 and 7 and boys who are 5 are taken to a local shrine to receive blessings from Shinto priests in a traditional ritual. Many parents dress their children up in kimono, buy them special candy called chitoseame, which is believed to bring luck, and have professional photographs taken. 意訳:11月15日に行われる子どもの健やかな成長を祝う行事.女の子は3歳と7歳,男の子は5歳の時に神社へお参りに行き,お祓いを受ける.その際,日本の伝統的な和服姿で参拝に行くことが多い.子どもたちは千歳飴と呼ばれる縁起物の飴を手に記念写真に収まる
As our daughter turned three, we celebrated the occasion on November 15, the gala day for boys of five and girls of three and seven.