1. 1〔仕上がる〕be finished;〔準備が整う〕be ready ⇒できあがる(出来上がる)
    • 仕事が出来た
    • The work is finished.
    • 食事が出来た
    • Dinner is ready.
    • 準備が出来次第出かけよう
    • Let's go as soon as everything is ready.
    • 試験勉強がまだ出来ていない
    • I have not prepared for the examination yet.
    • どうなっても覚悟は出来ている
    • I'm ready to accept whatever happens.
  1. 2〔作られる〕be made
    • バターは牛乳から出来る
    • Butter is made from milk.(▼fromは原料を示す)
    • この机は木で出来ている
    • This desk is made of wood.(▼ofは材料を示す)
    • この布でスカートが2枚出来る
    • This cloth will make two skirts.
    • この橋は頑丈に出来ている
    • This bridge is solidly built.
    • 大雨で庭に大きな水たまりが出来た
    • The heavy rain left [made] a big puddle in the garden.
    • この玩具は精巧に出来ている
    • This toy is elaborately designed.
    • このスープは上手に出来ている
    • This soup is well made.
    • どんなピザが出来ますか
    • 〔店などで〕What kinds of pizza do you serve?
  1. 3〔産出される〕grow
    • このあたりでは桃がよく出来る
    • Peaches grow well in this part of the country.
    • この農場では促成栽培の野菜がよく出来る
    • This farm produces good crops of forced vegetables.
  1. 4〔生まれる〕be born;〔生じる〕come into existence;〔形を成す〕form
    • 二人の間に女の子が出来た
    • A daughter was born to them.
    • 来年もう一人子どもが出来ます
    • I will have another child next year.
    • 新しい憲法が出来た
    • A new constitution came into existence [being].
    • 胃に潰瘍かいようが出来たらしい
    • An ulcer seems to have formed in my stomach.
    • 彼女の手にあかぎれが出来ていた
    • Her hands were chapped.
    • 背中に湿疹が出来た
    • I have eczema on my back.
    • 急用が出来て帰って行った
    • Something urgent came up, and he went home.
  1. 5〔生まれつく〕
    • 君はよほど意気地なしに出来ているのだな
    • You were really born an utter coward, weren't you?
  1. 6〔組織される〕be formed; be organized
    • 新しい政党が出来た
    • A new political party was formed [organized/born].
    • 新しい制度がやがて出来るだろう
    • A new system will be set up before long.
    • この会社が出来てから50年になる
    • It has been fifty years since this company was founded.
  1. 7〔可能である〕 ((人が主語で)) can, be able to ((do));((事が主語で)) be possible
    • 彼なら出来る
    • He can [is able to] do it./He is capable of doing it.
    • その時は許すことが出来なかった
    • I 「could not [was unable to] forgive him at the time.
    • それは出来ない相談だ
    • It's an impossible proposition./It (simply) cannot be done.
    • 難しくて私には出来ない
    • It is too difficult for me./It is beyond me.
    • 悪天候のため船は出航出来なかった
    • The bad weather prevented the ship from setting sail.
    • 出来たら10日までに仕上げてください
    • I'd like it to be finished by the tenth, if possible.
  1. 8〔能力がある〕
    • よく出来る生徒
    • a quick [bright] student
    • 出来ない生徒
    • a poor student
    • 学校の勉強が出来る[出来ない]
    • He does well [poorly] at school.
    • 数学が出来る[出来ない]
    • He is good [poor] at mathematics.
    • あの男は出来る
    • He is an able man.
  1. 9〔人格のある〕
    • 彼はよく出来た人物だ
    • 〔円熟した人〕He is a very mature man./〔人格者〕He is a man of fine character.
  1. 10〔男女が深い仲になる〕
    • あの二人は出来ているらしい
    • 〔相愛の仲〕They seem to be in love with each other./〔肉体関係がある〕They seem to be on intimate terms with each other.

