1〔折りづる〕one thousand folded paper cranes on a string
2〔模様〕a (traditional) design [pattern] with many cranes
Senbazuru, literally “a thousand paper cranes,"is a bundle of many origami cranes on a string. These strings of paper cranes are internationally known as a symbol of world peace. There is a folk belief that folding a thousand cranes will make one's wish come true, and so people fold each crane praying for peace or for recovery from illness. When the number reaches one thousand, the cranes are presented to a shrine, temple, or memorial monument, or sometimes to an ailing person as a get-well gift. 意訳:折り紙で作ったたくさんの折り鶴を糸でつなぎ合わせ,束にしたもの.平和祈願のシンボルとして世界的にも有名である.千羽の鶴を折ると祈りがかなえられると民間に信じられていた.平和を念じながら,あるいは病気快復などを祈願しながら一つ一つ折り鶴を折り,それを寺社や慰霊塔に奉納したり,時には療養中の人に贈ったりする