1. only; merely; simply
    • 今は単に一つのことだけを説明しておこう
    • I will explain just one point now.
    • 理由は単にそれだけではなかった
    • That was not the only reason.
    • 彼は単に絵画だけでなく彫刻にも優れていた
    • He was distinguished not only in painting but (also) in sculpture./He was distinguished in sculpture as well as in painting.
    • それは単に少数派の意見に過ぎない
    • It is merely [no more than/nothing but] the opinion of a small minority.
    • それは単に女の虚栄から出たことだ
    • It arose simply from feminine vanity.
    • 彼は聞いたことを単に繰り返すばかりだった
    • 「He only repeated [All he did was (to) repeat] what he had heard.

