1. 1〔よいか悪いか〕right or wrong ⇒ぜひ(是非)1
    • 募金運動の可否を論ずる
    • argue about the advisability of a fund-raising campaign
  1. 2〔賛成か反対か〕ayes and nays; pros and cons ⇒さんぴ(賛否)
    • 投票で可否を決しよう
    • We will decide by voting.
    • この問題に関しては可否の論が盛んであった
    • There were many pros and cons presented concerning this question./They argued at length for and against this question.
  1. 可否同数a tie; an equal number (of votes)
    • 可否同数のときは議長が決する
    • In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.

