1. 1〔無くす〕lose
    • 賭事かけごとで財産をすっかり失う
    • gamble away one's entire fortune/lose one's entire fortune at the gambling table
    • 視力[聴力/気]を失う
    • loseone's sight [one's hearing/consciousness]
    • 職を失う
    • lose one's job/be dismissed [《口》 fired]
    • 私たちは霧のため方向を失った
    • We lost our bearings [way] because of the fog.
    • 私はまだ望みを失っていない
    • I have not 「given up [lost all] hope yet.
    • あれで彼の信用を失った
    • He lost confidence in me because of it.
    • 台風のため何千人もの人が家を失った
    • Thousands of people were left homeless by the typhoon.
  1. 2〔逃がす〕
    • 大金を手に入れる機会を失った
    • I 「missed the chance to make a lot of money [let the opportunity to make a fortune go by].
  1. 3〔死なせる〕
    • 男は最愛の妻を失った
    • The man lost [was bereaved of] his beloved wife.

