1. 1〔習慣になる〕get [become] used to
    • 外国語を聞くのに慣れていない
    • He is not used [accustomed] to hearing foreign languages.
    • 寒い天候に慣れなくては
    • I must 「get used [《文》 accustom myself] to cold weather.
    • 移民たちはすぐに新しい土地に慣れた
    • The immigrants soon acclimated [《英》 acclimatized] themselves to the new land.
  1. 2〔熟練する〕become skilled ((in))
    • 彼は慣れた手付きでナイフとフォークを操った
    • He managed his knife and fork with a practiced hand.
    • 慣れない手付きでお酌をした
    • She poured the sake for him awkwardly [clumsily].
  1. 3〔ほどよくなる〕
    • 使い慣れたペン
    • the pen one is used to writing with/〔愛用の〕one's favorite pen
    • 新しい靴がやっと足に慣れてきた
    • These shoes are broken in at last.

