1. 〔手の〕a finger;〔足の〕a toe(⇒手(図)足(図)
    • 親指
    • the thumb/〔足の〕the big toe
    • 人さし指
    • the forefinger/the index finger
    • 中指
    • the middle finger
    • 薬指
    • the third finger/〔おもに左手の〕the ring finger
    • 小指
    • the little finger/〔足の〕the little toe
    • 指の関節
    • a finger joint/a knuckle
    • 指の腹
    • the ball of a finger
    • 指輪を指にはめる
    • put a ring on one's finger
    • 指を鳴らす
    • snap one's fingers/〔関節を〕crack [pop] one's knuckles [finger joints]
    • 指を組み合わせて祈った
    • He interlaced his fingers in prayer.
    • 少年は指をくわえていた
    • The boy had a finger in his mouth.
    • 彼は今年の長者番付で5本の指に入った
    • He was listed among the top five taxpayers this year.
    • 指一本差させはしない
    • I won't allow anybody to criticize [interfere with] me.
    • 私がいる限り彼女には指一本触れさせないぞ
    • She will be safe as long as I am here./Nobody is going to lay a finger on her as long as I am alive.
    • 指をくわえて見ていないで加わったらどうかね
    • Why don't you join us instead of looking on so enviously?
    • その子はショーウインドーのおもちゃを指をくわえて見ていた
    • The child was looking wistfully at the toys in the shopwindow.
  1. 指を詰める〔やくざが〕amputate [cut off, chop off] the tip of a little finger (either as a punishment or as a token of penitence)
    • 抽象画に指を染めたのは最初の個展を開いてからだった
    • It was after his first one-man show that he began to paint abstract pictures.
  1. 指静脈認証finger vein authentication [recognition]
    • 銀行が指静脈認証を導入した
    • The bank adopted finger vein authentication devices [technology].

