1. 1〔善し悪し〕right and [or] wrong
    • 当時まだ是非もわきまえぬ子供だった
    • I was then too young to know [tell] right from wrong.
    • 彼らは事の是非を言い争った
    • They argued about whether it was right or wrong.
    • 我々はこの行事への参加の是非を巡って討論した
    • We discussed whether or not we ought to take part in this event.
  1. 2〔必ず〕by all means
    • 是非ともお立ち寄りください
    • Please drop in by all means./Do come and see us.
    • これは是非読みたいと思っていた本です
    • This is the book I wanted 「so badly [so much] to read.
    • ご来訪の前に是非お電話ください
    • Please be sure to telephone us before you come.
    • 彼女に是非と勧められたのでその映画を見に行った
    • I went to see the film because she had insisted that I go.
    • 彼にしつこく頼まれて是非もなく金を貸した
    • Since he was so persistent in asking, I had no choice but to lend him money.

