1. 1〔時刻〕a time;〔時節〕a season
    • 今時分
    • at this time (of day)
    • 今は桜の満開の時分です
    • It is the height of the cherry blossom season now.
    • 去[来]年の今時分
    • this time last [next] year
    • 食事時分に伺ってはいけない
    • You should not call on a person at mealtimes.
    • その時分は長いスカートをはいていた
    • We wore long skirts in those days.
  1. 2〔時機〕an opportunity
    • 時分はよし
    • Now is our chance.
    • 時分をうかがっている
    • We are waiting [on the lookout] for an opportunity.

