1. 1〔楽曲〕(a piece of) music
    • 覚えやすい曲
    • an easy tune to remember
    • グリークのピアノ曲集
    • (a collection of) Grieg's piano pieces
    • バイオリンの曲
    • music for the violin
    • その詩に曲をつけた
    • He wrote music for the poem./He set the poem to music.
    • 彼はリサイタルでバッハの曲を弾いた
    • He played a Bach composition at his recital./He played a piece by Bach at the recital.
    • どうか1曲聴かせてください
    • Please (let me hear you) play a piece.
    • 彼女は静かな曲を弾いた
    • She played a quiet tune.
    • 歌を1曲歌う
    • sing one song
    • 今かかっている曲は何ですか
    • What is (the name of) the piece [song] that is playing now?
  1. 2〔面白み〕interest
    • それは曲のないやり方だ
    • That's a dull way of doing it.

