1. 1〔元来〕originally, primarily;〔初めから〕from the first ⇒がんらい(元来)

    本来の original; primary

    • この鉄道は本来鉄鉱石運搬のために敷設された
    • This railroad was originally built for the transportation of iron ore.
    • 当校は本来女子の高等教育機関である
    • This school has been an institution for the higher education of women from its very beginnings.
  1. 2〔本質的に〕essentially; intrinsically; fundamentally
    • 嫉妬は本来善でも悪でもないというのが彼の説だ
    • He holds that jealousy is essentially neither a virtue nor a vice.
  1. 3〔生来〕naturally
    • 犬は本来肉食動物だ
    • Dogs are carnivorous by nature.
    • 本来有害な薬でも使い方によっては効き目がある
    • A drug, though poisonous in itself, may have a medicinal effect if used properly.
  1. 4〔当たり前〕
    • 本来なら許されないところだ
    • Normally this would be inexcusable.
    • 私がこの土地の本来の所有者だ
    • I am the rightful [legal] owner of this estate.

