1. 1〔到着する〕arrive ((at, in));reach
    • 東京に着く
    • arrive in Tokyo
    • 空港に着く
    • arrive at an airport
    • 定刻に着く
    • arrive on schedule
    • 暗くならないうちに目的地に着いた
    • We reached [got to] our destination before dark.
    • お手紙は昨日着きました
    • 「Your letter reached me [I received your letter] yesterday.
    • 何時にそこ[家]に着きましたか
    • What time did you get there [home]?
  1. 2〔届いて触れる〕reach ⇒とどく(届く)2
    • 頭が天井まで着きそうだ
    • His head almost reaches the ceiling.
    • プールは深くて足が着かない
    • The pool is so deep 「that I cannot touch bottom with my feet [that my feet don't reach the bottom].
  1. 3〔ある場所に身を置く〕
    • 家族全員食卓に着いた
    • All the family sat down at the table.
    • 早く席に着きなさい
    • Take your seats [Be seated] quickly.
    • 全員位置に着いた
    • Everyone took up their (respective) positions.

