1. 1〔毛筆〕a writing brush;〔絵筆〕a paint brush;〔ペン〕a pen
    • 弘法も筆の誤り
    • ((諺)) Even Homer sometimes nods.
    • 弘法筆を選ばず
    • A bad workman always blames his tools.
  1. 2〔書いたもの〕
    • これは父の筆です
    • This is my father's calligraphy.
    • 筆で身を立てることにした
    • I decided to 「live by my pen [be a professional writer].
    • 君は筆が立つね
    • You write well./You are a good writer.
  1. 筆の跡one's handwriting
    • 筆の誤りで
    • by a slip of the pen
    • たくみな筆の運びで読者を引きつけた
    • He attracted readers with his exquisite skill in writing.
    • 森先生が原稿に筆を入れてくれた
    • Mr. Mori 「touched up [corrected] my manuscript.
  1. 筆を置くstop writing
  1. 筆を折る〔書くのをやめる〕give up writing;〔作家生活をやめる〕give up literary activity
  1. 筆をおろす〔新しい筆を使う〕begin to use a new pen [writing brush];〔新しく書き始める〕begin to write
  1. 筆を加えるcorrect [polish up] ((a manuscript))
  1. 筆を染める1〔筆に墨などを含ませる〕dip a brush in China ink
  2. 筆を染める2〔執筆に取り掛かる〕begin to write
    • 小説[絵]に筆を染める
    • begin towrite a novel [paint a picture]
    • 今は筆を断っている
    • I do not write these days.
    • 筆を断った
    • I've given up writing.
  1. 筆を執るwrite; take up one's pen
  1. 筆を走らせるwrite with facility [a facile pen]
  1. 筆を揮ふるwield a pen
  1. 筆入れa pencil case
  1. 筆先the point of a brush
    • 筆先が器用だ
    • 〔字がうまい〕He writes a good hand./〔文章がうまい〕He writes well.
  1. 筆立てa pen [brush] stand
    • これは特に筆遣いがすぐれている
    • This is especially fine brushwork.
  1. 筆箱a pencil box
    • 名前を筆太に書いた
    • He wrote his name in a bold hand.
    • 彼は筆不精だ
    • He is a bad correspondent./He isn't much of a letter writer.
    • 彼は筆まめだ
    • He is a good correspondent.

