1. Ia net;〔総称〕netting, mesh
    • 魚をとる網
    • a fishing net
    • 投げ網
    • a casting net
    • 網状の
    • netlike/reticular
    • 網にかかる
    • be caught in a net/be netted/be enmeshed
    • 網にかかった魚
    • a netted fish
    • 網で魚[蝶/鳥]を捕える
    • net fish [butterflies/birds]
    • 魚を網ですくう
    • catch fish in a net
    • 一網で魚がたくさんとれた
    • A lot of fish were caught at a single cast of the net.
    • 網をすく[編む]
    • make a net/net
    • 川に網を打つ
    • cast [throw] a net into the river
    • 網を引き揚げる
    • 「haul in [draw up/pull in] a net
    • 網を張る
    • pitch [lay/stretch] a net
    • 網を張った窓
    • screened windows
    • 魚をとるため川に網を仕掛ける
    • net a river to catch fish
    • 鳥から守るために果樹に網がかけてあった
    • The fruit trees were netted against birds.
  1. II〔はりめぐらせたわな〕a net, a web
    • 彼は陰謀の網にかかった
    • He was caught in a web of intrigue.
    • 彼は法律の網にかかった
    • He fell into the clutches of the law./He was caught in the meshes of the law.
    • 法の網をくぐる
    • evade (the clutches of) the law
    • 警察は犯人検挙の網を張った
    • The police put out a dragnet for the criminal.

