1. 〔競技〕sumo wrestling;〔試合〕sumo matches [bouts]
    Sumo wrestling, the national sport of Japan, has a long history. In a sumo match, two rikishi, or sumo wrestlers, wearing mawashi belts fight in a ring called a dohyo. To win, a rikishi must either force his opponent out of the ring or throw him to the ground. Professional sumo tournaments are held bimonthly starting in January. Of the six annual tournaments, every other one is held in Tokyo, while the other three are held in Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka, respectively. A tournament lasts for fifteen days. The ranking list of rikishi is called the banzuke. Yokozuna, the grand champions, are at the top, and the three ranks of titleholders (sanyaku), called ozeki, sekiwake, and komusubi, follow. Non-titleholder ranks are maegashira, juryo, makushita, sandanme, jonidan, and finally jonokuchi. Rikishi ranked juryo and above receive a monthly salary and are granted special privileges, while those lower than juryo are considered trainees. All rikishi belong to one of the sumo stables called heya, where they train. During grand tournaments, rikishi are matched against opponents from other heya.

    相撲を取る sumo-wrestle ((with))

    • 君と山田では相撲にならない
    • You are no match for Yamada.
  1. 人のふんどしで相撲を取るふんどし(褌)
  1. 相撲取りa sumo wrestler

