What I wouldn't do for a drink!
What if ...?
((略式))1 …としたらどうなるだろうか,…ならどうだろう;(反語的に)たとえ…でもなんでもない[かまうものか]What if all the students fail?学生がみな落第したら...
what is more
その上(in addition),さらに重要なことだがSally plays the piano, (and) what's more, she's a good singer.サリーはピアノを...
What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
what [the] little A (that ...)
なけなしのA,あるだけのAHe has lost what little faith he has ever possessed.抱いていたわずかばかりの信仰も今はなくした
what [the] little (that) ...
わずかながらあるものすべて,なけなしのものHe did what little [the little] he could.微力ながらできるかぎりのことをした
What next?
((略式))1 次は何にしますか2 (驚いて)こんなばかなことがあるもんか,あきれた;お次は何なの
What the heck!
What was that all about?
一体どうしたの[なっているの](◆What was all that about?,What's this all [all this] about?,What's it all about?の...
What's done is done.=What's done cannot be undone.