fix it [things] (up)
((米))(人と)事を取り計らう[取り決める]≪with≫I'll fix it up with him.彼と話をつけよう
fix on
fix up
1 他…を取り決める,調整[解決]するfix up a date日取りを決める2 他〈人に〉(…を)手配する,〈人に〉(デートの)相手を紹介してやる≪with≫;〈人を〉(…するよう)はからう≪...
get [find] religion
hit [come up against, find oneself up against] a brick wall
know [find, get, have] the length of A's foot
see [find out] how the land lies
see [find] which way the wind blows [is blowing]
settle [fix] A's hash
step into [fill] the breach