It figures that ....
((特に米略式))1 …ということは納得がいく[つじつまが合う,もっともだ]2 ((皮肉))どうせ…だろうと思ったよ,いつも…なんだよね
It is even(s) Stephen(s).
it [that] is just as well
((略式))…であって運がよかった[うまくいった];…をしてもよいだろう≪to do≫
It is just as well (that ...)
It is (much) regretted that ....
it is worth mentioning that ...
it (just) goes to show [it (just) shows] (that) ...
it says a lot [very little] for A
((略式))(…だとは)A(人・事)はさすがだ[大したことない]≪that 節≫It says a lot for his charisma that he was able to endear...
It seems so.
そうらしい(◆「そうでないらしい」は It seems not.)“He has lost the argument.” “So it seems.”「彼は議論に負けた」「そうらしい」
it stands to reason
(…であるのは)当然である,理にかなっている≪that節≫It stands to reason that he should be punished for his crime.彼が犯した罪に...