It's a good thing [((英))job] (that) ....
It's a safe [good, sure] bet that ....
((略式))…はまず間違いなさそうだ(It seems almost certain that ...)
It's a small world.
It's [That's] A's funeral.
it's A, Jim, but not as we know it.
It's all go.
It's all good.
(It's all) Lombard Street to a China orange (that ...)
(it's) all or nothing
1 〔補語として,または名詞の前に用いて〕すべて[完全]かゼロか(の),全部か無か,一か八ばちか(◆中間や妥協のない態度・事態)2 全力をあげて
It's all right for some.