make sure
1 (…を/…したことを)確かめる≪of/that節≫make sure of the facts事実を確認するShe made sure that the door was shut.彼女は戸...
make the best of A
Aをできるだけうまく利用する;Aでがまんする(◆活用できるものがあまり有利でない場合に用いる;⇒make the MOST of A)make the best of a bad job [si...
make the best of a bad bargain
make the best of one's way
make the cut
make (the) feathers fly
((略式))1 大騒ぎを起こす,やかましくけんかする2 (相手を)ひどくやっつける
make the first move
make the fur fly
make the grade
make the most of A
Aを最大限に活用[利用]する,Aの特性を最もよく引き出す[見せる](⇒make the BEST of A)Make the most of the [what] money you have....