no worries
none but A
none other than A
none the less (for A)
(Aがある)にもかかわらず,(Aがあっても)それでもやはりI love her none the less for her faults. = She has faults, but I lov...
none the worse
(…にも)かかわらず≪for≫He has some faults but I like him none the worse.=I like him none the worse for hi...
none the worse for A
1 Aにもかかわらず同じ状態でHe was none the worse for drinking spirits.強い酒を飲んでも少しも変わらなかった2 =none the worse(副成句)
none too soon
north by east
north by west
north of A
Aより上で,Aを上回って(more than)