get [take] a rise out of A
get [catch, take] it in the neck
((略式))1 ひどく罰せられる,しかられる;ひどいめにあう,ひどい損害を受ける2 (無用・無価値なものとして)捨てられる;解雇される
get [pull, take] one's finger out
((英略式))1 急ぐ2 熱心に[本気で]仕事を始める
get [take] the hump
get [take] (the [some]) stick
get [have, take] the wrong sow by the ear
1 見当違いの人[もの]を捕える2 まちがった結論を出す
(go and) take a running jump (at yourself)
go [take] one's own way
have [take] a butcher's (hook)
have [take] a cut