count [tell] noses
count [say, tell] one's beads
I('ll) tell you what.
separate [divide, tell, sort (out)] the sheep from [and] the goats
speak [say, tell, disclose] one's mind
speak [tell, express] volumes
1 〈物が〉雄弁に物語る,意味深長であるHis look spoke volumes.彼の表情にはただならぬものがあった2 〈物・事が〉(…を)十分に証明している≪for≫
tell [know] A apart
A(複数の物)を区別するtell the twins apartそのふたごを見分ける
tell A where to get off [where A can get off, where to go]
tell A where to put [stick] B
tell it like [how] it is