to one's fingertips
to one's heart's content [desire]
to oneself
自分自身に,自分だけにThey want the television to themselves.彼らはテレビのチャンネルを独占したがっている
to overflowing
to rights
本来の秩序[状態]へ,満足な状態へset [put, bring] one's affairs to rights仕事を整理する
to save (one's) life
〔cannot [will not] do を伴って〕どうしても…できない[するつもりはない]
to say nothing of A
Aは言うまでもなくThat will not satisfy a cat, to say nothing of a young girl.それじゃ女の子は言うに及ばず,ネコだって満足しはしない
to say the least (of it)
to size
to some [good] purpose