1. 1〔おどおどする〕grow timid [nervous]
    • いじけて隅に入り込んだ
    • He shrank into the corner.
    • 叱ってばかりでは子供をいじけさせる
    • You'll 「make children overly nervous [stunt the full development of children's personality] if you keep scolding them.
    • 彼はいじけた字を書く
    • He has timid [cramped] handwriting./He writes a timid hand.
  1. 2〔ひねくれる〕become perverse [warped]
    • 若いころ苦労したので彼は心がいじけている
    • Hardships in his youth warped his personality.
  1. 3〔植物などが〕
    • 車の排気ガスのせいか街道筋の木はみないじけている
    • The trees along the road all look stunted, perhaps owing to car exhaust.

