1. pains(▼常に複数形);hard work

    苦心する take pains; work hard

    • 苦心してそれを調べあげた
    • 「He went to great pains [He put in a lot of hard work] investigating it.
    • この本は彼の苦心が実ったものである
    • This book of his is the fruit of 「much labor [a lot of hard work].
    • せっかくの苦心も水の泡になった
    • All his efforts came to nothing.
    • 難問を解こうと苦心している
    • He is cudgeling [racking] his brains trying to solve a difficult problem.
    • この筆使いに苦心の跡が見られる
    • There are traces of painstaking effort in this brushwork.
    • この辞書は大勢の人の苦心の作である
    • This dictionary is the result of a lot of hard work on the part of many people.
    • この金を工面するのに苦心さんたんした
    • I went to a lot of trouble to raise this money./I had a hard time raising this money.
    • それを発明するまでの苦心談を語った
    • He spoke about the difficulties he experienced inventing it.

