1. ((副助詞))
  1. 1〔まったく反対に〕
    • 喜ぶどころか大変に怒った
    • Far from being pleased, he got very angry.
    • 彼は謝るどころか,逆に文句を言ってきた
    • He didn't even try to apologize. On the contrary, he complained to us.
    • 病気どころかぴんぴんしている
    • He's not the least bit ill.
    • 後悔どころか平気の平左だよ
    • He is anything but repentant.
  1. 2〔…はもとより〕
    • 赤ん坊は走るどころか歩くこともまだできない
    • The baby cannot walk yet, much less run.
    • 不親切どころかまったく残酷だ
    • He is not only unkind but positively cruel.
    • 食べ物どころか水も無くなってしまった
    • It's not a question of food. We don't even have any water left.
    • 野鳥観察に出掛けたが,つぐみどころかすずめも見えなかった
    • I went bird watching, but I could not find even a sparrow, to say nothing of a thrush.

