1. 1〔どこ〕where
    • どちらにお勤めですか
    • Where do you work?
    • どちらのご出身ですか
    • Where do you come from?
  1. 2〔どの方〕which
    • どちらへ行きましたか
    • Which way did he go?
    • どちらが勝ちましたか
    • Which side won?
    • どちらでも好きなのを選んでよろしい
    • Choose whichever you like better.
    • どちらがどちらなのか見分けがつかない
    • I can't tell 「which is which [one from the other].
    • どちらとも言えませんね
    • I can't 「say which [give a definite answer].
    • 今のところどちらとも言えない
    • At the moment I can't say (yes or no).
    • この本はどちらも面白い
    • These books are both interesting.
    • 君か僕かどちらかが間違っている
    • One of us is wrong.
    • どちらかの答えが合っている
    • One or the other is the correct answer.
    • 彼には父も母もどちらもいない
    • He has neither father nor mother.
    • どちらにしても出掛けます
    • I will go out anyway [in either case].
    • どちらかと言えば今日は幾分元気だ
    • He is, if anything, a little better today.
  1. 3〔どなた〕
    • 失礼ですがどちら様でしょう
    • May I ask [have] your name?/〔電話口で〕Who is calling, please?
  1. どちら(何方)
    • どっちがどっちか見分けがつかない
    • I cannot tell which is which./I cannot distinguish one from the other.
    • どっちに転んでも大勢には影響がない
    • One way or another, there will be no change in the general situation.
    • どっちにしてもこの問題は扱いが難しい
    • In either case, this problem is difficult to deal with.
    • どっちもどっちだ
    • Both are to blame./Six [It's six] of one and a half dozen of the other.

