1. 〔いっそう多く〕more and more, increasingly;〔いっそう少なく〕less and less, decreasingly
    • 勉強に対する興味がますます強くなった[薄れた]
    • I became 「more and more [less and less] interested in my studies.
    • 見れば見るほどますますほしくなった
    • The more I looked at it, the more eager I became to have it.
    • そこへ彼が入って来てますます困ったことになった
    • To make matters worse, he came in just then.
    • 彼の行状はますます悪くなるばかりだった
    • His conduct just went on getting worse.
    • その話を聞いてますます不愉快になった
    • Upon hearing that story, I became even more disgusted.
    • 革命の思想は国民の間にますます広まっていった
    • Revolutionary ideas steadily gained ground among the people.

