“Character” in Japanese specifically refers to characters in cartoons and anime. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snoopy, Doraemon, Hello Kitty, and Pokémon are among the many characters popular in Japan; their appeal transcends the borders of the nation, language, or decade that gave rise to the character. Products featuring such characters for marketing purposes are called “character goods.” 意訳:漫画やアニメなどの登場人物のこと.ミッキーマウス,ドナルドダック,スヌーピー,ドラえもん,ハローキティ,ポケモンなどの人気キャラクターは国や言語,世代の違いを超えて受け入れられている.商品の認知度を上げるためにキャラクターをあしらったものを,キャラクターグッズと言う
キャラクター商品[グッズ]merchandise featuring popular (comic) characters