1. 1〔一つの方面〕one side;〔他の方面〕the other side


    • 住宅地は町の一方に片寄っている
    • A residential area has developed on one side of town.
    • この家はもう一方にも入り口がある
    • There is another door on the other side of this house.
    • 彼の意見は一方に片寄っている
    • His opinion is one-sided.
    • 政府は一方では財政再建を,もう一方では減税を迫られている
    • The government is faced with the difficult task of financial rehabilitation on the one hand and reducing taxes on the other.
  1. 2〔立場の違う二者の片方〕one party;〔相手方〕the other party
    • この件では一方を加害者,一方を被害者とは必ずしも言えない
    • In this case we cannot necessarily say that one party is the assailant and the other the victim.
  1. 3〔それだけ〕
    • あの男はまじめ一方だ
    • He is earnestness [seriousness] itself.
    • 川の水は増す一方である
    • The (water level of the) river 「is steadily [just goes on] rising.
    • 氷は厚くなる一方だった
    • The ice grew thicker and thicker.
  1. 4〔他方では,話変わって〕
    • 長男は社交的だが,一方,弟のほうは引っ込み思案である
    • His oldest son is sociable, while [whereas] his younger son is introverted.
  1. 一方通行one-way traffic;〔掲示〕One Way
    • この道は一方通行だ
    • This is a one-way street.

