1. 1〔等級〕the first class [rank; grade]
    • 彼は通常一等で旅行する
    • He usually travels first class.
    • 彼女は一等になった
    • 〔レースなどで〕She came in first./〔コンテストなどで〕She won (the) first prize.
  1. 2〔罪の等級〕a degree
    • 罪一等を減ずる
    • reduce the penalty by one degree
  1. 3〔最も〕most; best ⇒いちばん(一番)
  1. 一等機関士a first engineer
  1. 一等客a first-class passenger;〔船客〕a saloon passenger
  1. 一等航海士a first officer; a first [chief] mate
  1. 一等車a first-class car [《英》 carriage]
  1. 一等賞first prize
  1. 一等親いっしんとう(一親等)
  1. 一等星a star of the first magnitude
  1. 一等船室a first-class cabin
  1. 一等地a very good piece of land; an excellent location
    • 彼の店はこの町の一等地にある
    • His store is located in the best commercial district in town.
  1. 一等品a first-class [top-grade] article

