1. 1〔委ゆだねる〕entrust ((a person with a matter, a matter to a person))
    • あの男にはこの仕事は任せられない
    • He can't be entrusted with this job./We can't entrust this job to him.
    • 万事あなたにお任せします
    • I leave everything 「to you [in your hands].
    • 子供を母に任せる
    • leave one's child in the care of one's mother
    • 少年の後見役は彼に任された
    • The boy was placed under his guardianship.
  1. 2〔そのもののなすままにする〕
    • 運を天に任せる
    • leave it to chance
    • その件は自然の成り行きに任せよう
    • I'll let the matter take its own course.
    • それはご想像に任せます
    • I'll leave it to your imagination.
    • 彼女はとうとう彼に身を任せた
    • At last she gave [《文》 yielded] herself to him.
    • 足に任せて歩く
    • go where one's feet lead one
  1. 3〔存分に使う〕
    • 金に任せて
    • without regard to cost
    • 力に任せて
    • with all one's strength/by force
    • 暇に任せて
    • at one's leisure
    • 暇に任せて今週は5冊も小説を読んだ
    • With so much time on my hands, I read five novels this week.

