1. 〔組織体系〕a system;〔構造〕a structure
    • 経済[政治]体制
    • an economic [a political] system
    • 資本主義体制
    • the capitalistic structure
    • 現体制
    • the existing structure/the Establishment
    • 反体制の
    • antiestablishment
    • 新[旧]体制
    • a new [the old] order
    • 55年体制
    • the 1955 system; a two-party system of government led by the Liberal Democratic Party with the Socialist Party in opposition
    • その国は戦時体制下にある
    • The country has been reorganized on a war footing.
    • 体制側につく
    • be on the side of the establishment [Establishment]
  1. 体制主義者a supporter of the status quo

