1. 1〔誰が見ても間違いなく〕entirely, utterly, completely, thoroughly;〔否定文で〕not at all, not in the least,《口》 not a bit
    • この時計は全く調子が狂っている
    • This watch is completely out of order.
    • 全くうまく行った
    • It went perfectly [quite] well.
    • 全く話になりません
    • It is too absurd for words./It is entirely [utterly] out of the question.
    • 事件とは全く関係がない
    • I have absolutely nothing to do with the affair.
    • 全く存じません
    • I know nothing about it./I don't know anything at all about it.
    • そんなことは全く考えていなかった
    • That was the furthest thing from my mind.
    • 全く疑ってなどいない
    • I have not the least [slightest] doubt about it.
    • 君も全くのばかだよ
    • You are 「a complete [an absolute] fool.
    • 全くの実業家
    • a businessman through and through
    • 全くのナンセンス
    • sheer absurdity [nonsense]
    • 全くの憶病者
    • 「a thorough [an out-and-out] coward
  1. 2〔本当に,まことに〕indeed; really
    • 全く君のいう通りだ
    • Exactly (as you say)!/Yes, indeed.
    • 全くいやなやつだ
    • 《口》 He is a 「downright creep [《俗》 real bastard].
    • 全く利口な子だ
    • What a clever child she is!
    • 全くよく降るね
    • How it rains [snows]!
    • 全くもってあきれた話だ
    • Really, it's appalling.
    • 全くのところ私も少なからず驚いた
    • To tell the truth, I was not a little surprised myself.

