• 今日遊んだからその代わり明日は勉強するのですよ
    • You took it easy today, so you must study tomorrow.
    • 品物はよいがその代わり値段が高い
    • It is of high quality, but it is also expensive.
    • 時計をあげるからその代わりにブローチをちょうだい
    • I'll give you my watch, if you'll give me your brooch in exchange (for it).
    • 頭はあまりよくないがその代わり親切だよ
    • He is not very bright, but (on the other hand) he is kind.
    • 特に才能はないがその代わりなみなみならぬ努力をする
    • He is not particularly talented, but he more than makes up for it with hard work.

