1. (child)birth
    • 女の子を出産した
    • She 「gave birth to [《文》 was delivered of] a baby girl.
    • 出産の予定は3月10日です
    • The baby is due [expected] on March 10.
    • 夫が出産に立ち会ってくれた
    • My husband attended my childbirth.
    • 自宅出産を選んだ
    • She decided to 「have the baby [give birth] at home.
    • 最近高齢出産が増えている
    • Recently late child-bearing is increasing.
    • ご出産おめでとう
    • Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
    • 出産祝いに何をあげようか
    • What would you like to have as a baby gift?
    • 出産で死亡する
    • die in childbirth
    • 100の出産の中で死産は2件の割合である
    • There are two stillbirths per hundred deliveries.
  1. 出産休暇(a) maternity leave
  1. 出産給付maternity benefits
  1. 出産手当a maternity allowance
  1. 出産届the registration of a birth
    • 息子の出産届を出してきた
    • I have (just) registered the birth of my son.
  1. 出産率a birthrate

