1. 1〔前と後ろ〕the front and the rear
    • 前後をよく見なさい
    • Look carefully to the front and the rear.
    • 私の車の前後に大型のバスが走っていた
    • Large buses were running in front of and behind my car.
    • 前後左右を見回した
    • I looked all around me.
  1. 2〔時間の後先〕
    • その事件の前後のことを思い出せますか
    • Can you recall what happened before and after the incident?
    • 兄と弟は前後して到着した
    • The brothers arrived within a few minutes of each other.
    • 地震と前後して火災が発生した
    • A fire broke out almost simultaneously with the earthquake.
  1. 3〔物事の脈絡・道理〕
    • 彼は逆上して前後を忘れた
    • He lost himself in anger./《口》 He was so angry that he completely lost it.
    • 前後の見境もなく彼女に殴り掛かった
    • He struck at her without considering the consequences.
    • 彼女の話は前後しているようだ
    • She seems to have mixed up the order of events.
  1. 4〔…ぐらい〕
    • 彼は9時前後にやって来た
    • He came about [around] nine o'clock.
    • 40歳前後の男がたずねて来た
    • A man of about forty came to see me.
  1. 前後関係the context
    • その文は前後関係を見ないと理解できない
    • I can't understand the sentence until I see the context.
    • 疲れていたので前後不覚に眠った
    • I was so tired that 「I slept like a log [I was dead to the world].
    • 酒を飲み過ぎて彼は前後不覚になった
    • He drank too much, and passed out.

