1. 1〔半分〕
    • 半ば冗談にそう言ったのだ
    • He said so half in jest.
    • 仕事は半ばすんだ
    • The work is half done.
    • 彼の話の半ばはうそだった
    • Half of his story was false.
    • この棚の本の半ばは辞典だ
    • Half the books on this shelf are dictionaries.
  1. 2〔ある程度〕
    • 彼女の病気は半ば神経から来ている
    • Her illness is due partly [in part] to nervous strain.
    • この作品は半ば小説で半ば詩だ
    • This work is part novel and part poetry.
    • 半ばあきらめていた
    • He had half [nearly] given up.
  1. 3〔真ん中あたり〕
    • 橋の半ばに立つ
    • stand in the middle of the bridge
    • 5月の半ばから
    • since mid-May
    • 60代の半ばに
    • in one's mid-sixties
    • 9月の半ばごろ
    • about the middle of September
    • 彼は夕食会の半ばに意識を失った
    • He fell unconscious in the middle of the dinner.
    • 半ばで引き返す
    • go back halfway
    • 僕は学業半ばで退学した
    • I left when I was halfway through my college course.

